
美國公民讀本(英漢雙語版) 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書 2025

[美] 哈裏·P·賈德森 著,洪友 譯



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齣版社: 天津人民齣版社

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作者:(美國)哈裏?P?賈德森 譯者:洪友 哈裏?P?賈德森(1849-1927)美國著名教育傢和曆史學傢、芝加哥大學第二任校長,其研究方嚮主要為憲法和外交史。 賈德森齣生於紐約詹姆斯鎮,畢業於威廉姆斯學院,後從事教育工作,1885-1892年在明尼蘇達大學擔任曆史學與教育學教授,後任芝加哥大學政治科學教授兼係主任,以及藝術、文學與科學係教授兼係主任。 芝加哥大學創始人兼校長威廉?哈珀欣賞賈德森教授廣博的研究領域與治學風格,邀他加入芝加哥大學。賈德森教授也被哈珀校長卓越的教育規劃所吸引。1892年,賈德森從明尼蘇達大學來到芝加哥大學,幫助組建芝加哥大學的教育體係與規劃,與哈珀共同領導和管理芝加哥大學。1906年哈珀去世,賈德森接任校長,直至1923年退休。 賈德森教授寫作瞭不少著作,除學術之作外,他還為美國學生編寫瞭一些經典讀物,如《美國公民讀本》和《美國學生文學讀本》(1-8級)等。



CHAPTER I Our Country
CHAPTER II The Republic
CHAPTER III Laws and Their Makers
CHAPTER IV What We Mean by Government
CHAPTER V How the People of Europe Found America and Came to Live in It
CHAPTER VI National Independence
CHAPTER VII A Federal Republic
CHAPTER VIII American Home Rule
CHAPTER IX The Law-Makers
CHAPTER X How Laws Are Enforced
CHAPTER XI The President's Cabinet
CHAPTER XII How Laws Are Enforced in the States
CHAPTER XIII Judge and Jury
CHAPTER XIV How the Government Gets Money
CHAPTER XVI Who Are Our Rulers
APPEND A Brief Account of the Constitution of the United States
PART II 中文閱讀
CHAPTER 01 我們的祖國
CHAPTER 02 共和國
CHAPTER 03 法律和立法者
CHAPTER 04 政府對我們的地位是怎樣界定的
CHAPTER 05 歐洲人怎樣發現美洲並遷居於此
CHAPTER 06 民族獨立
CHAPTER 07 一個聯邦製的共和國
CHAPTER 08 美國的地方自治
CHAPTER 09 立法者
CHAPTER 10 法律是怎樣執行的
CHAPTER 11 總統內閣
CHAPTER 12 法律在各州是怎樣執行的
CHAPTER 13 法官和陪審團
CHAPTER 14 政府怎樣籌錢
CHAPTER 15 我們是誰
CHAPTER 16 誰統治我們


  CHAPTER I Our Country
  1. Why We Love Our Country. Every good American citizen loves his country and is proud of it. We have very good reasons both for the love and for the pride. Ours is one of the greatest nations of the world, in area of territory, in number of people, in wealth and in power. We also think that the citizens of the great republic are among the most intelligent in the world. Free public schools make it possible for every one to get some sort of an education, and books and newspapers are found in every home. But better still is the liberty which we enjoy. We have no king or emperor to rule over us. We choose our own officers of state, who, indeed, are not our rulers, but are merely public servants. In some countries the police are constantly interfering with people. A public meeting cannot be held without the consent of the police. The police watch the hotel registers and keep careful track of all strangers. If a club or a debating society is formed, the police have to be notified. Then, too, every young man has to spend several years as a soldier-for most of the nations of Europe keep vast armies always ready for war. Now, with us the policeman and the soldier are much less prominent. As long as one is not a thief or some other sort of criminal, the police let one quite alone. And no one in our country needs to be a soldier at all. Our few soldiers are all volunteers. In short, we live in a free land, in which every one may live his life in his own way, so long as he does not interfere with the rights of his neighbors.
  2. These are some reasons for loving our country. There are many other reasons too, but perhaps these are enough to show what we mean. Still, it may be as well to add one more-it is our home. There are few words dearer to any genuine man or woman than home. But just as the home is the center of the life of the family, so our country is the center of the nation's life. It is our home land-the land of our fathers and mothers, of our brothers and sisters. And he is a poor ingrate who does not dearly love his home.
  3. What We Mean by a Patriot. A patriot is one who loves his fatherland-his country. People show patriotism in various ways. In time of war, when the national safety is menaced by a public enemy, men are ready to enter the army and to give their lives, if need be, in defense of their country. A true patriot, too, is pleased by everything which reflects credit on his homeland. He is anxious that its public affairs shall be stained with no meanness or dishonor. He is anxious that its government shall always be just and generous in dealing with the governments of other nations. He does not wish an advantage secured from any other nation, especially from a weaker one, by wanton violence or by fraud. He is delighted with every advance of his country in the arts of civilization, and pained at the triumph of evil men or of vicious measures. And he is always ready to do what he can to make his country better or stronger or safer.
  4. What a Patriot is Not. We have seen some of the reasons which an American has for being proud of his country. But in order to be a patriot it is not at all necessary to be a boaster. Indeed, a true patriot is so sure of the solid merit of his country that he does not need to say much about it. If a man is in the habit of talking about his own honesty, it leads others to suspect that perhaps after all he is trying to cover up a streak of dishonesty. At any rate, bragging is a weak and foolish habit. And bragging of one's country is quite as foolish as it is for a boy to boast of his father's wealth or of his sister's beauty.
  5. Neither is it a sign of patriotism to despise other countries. We may love our own the best, but one who does not know that other countries also are great and powerful and famous, is merely very ignorant. If we respect other nations for their good qualities, we are all the better fitted to understand and admire the like qualities in our own.
  6. Sneering at other races is no sign of patriotism. Boys and girls sometimes are apt to think themselves better than one of their mates who was born in a foreign land, and to show their superiority by using for him some sort of foolish nickname. But this is very silly. Is he a German? The Germans have some of the greatest names and have done some of the greatest deeds in all history. Is he an Italian? Italy is a beautiful land, famous for some of the finest painters and musicians, and for some of the wisest statesmen and the bravest soldiers of any land. Is he a Jew? They are a wonderful people, and a list of the great men who are Jews would be a very long one. Indeed, one may well be glad and proud to belong to any of these races, or of many others which might be mentioned.
  7.What a Patriot Should Know. It is not enough for a patriot to think that his country is a very good and comfortable land. No opinion is worth much unless it comes from actual knowledge. It is a very commonly observed fact that the more ignorant people are, the more they are stuffed with prejudices. But prejudice is merely a strong opinion which is formed with a very scanty basis of knowledge. Now, in fact, no opinion is worth much, as we said, unless it belongs to one who knows what he is talking about. A jeweler who has spent all his life in a city, probably would not know much about farming. If, then, he should go into the country and begin giving a farmer advice about the management of his crops, the farmer would laugh at him. The jeweler's opinion about repairing a watch would doubtless be better than the farmer's, but, on the other hand, the farmer would be apt to know more about planting corn. In other words, it is knowledge that gives an opinion its value.
  8. Then, our opinions about our country are not worth very much unless we know something of its history. We ought to know how it is governed, how the laws are made, how they are enforced, what the courts are and how they do their work, what are the rights of a citizen and what are not his rights. We ought to know how our country came to be what it is, who are some of the great men it has produced, and what they have done. With some of this knowledge our opinions are much less likely to be mere prejudices.
  9. There is another important reason for knowing something about the way in which our country is governed. With us about every man of full age, that is, twenty-one years old or over, is a voter. The most of all public officers are elected. And a voter is not very useful whose ideas of what he is voting for are in a fog. He is easily led by shrewd and unscrupulous demagogues; he is simply a tool, a slave. It is often said that knowledge is power. We might add that knowledge of public affairs is liberty.
  10. The Flag. Every nation has a flag of its own, with 美國公民讀本(英漢雙語版) 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式

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還是挺有趣的。 有什麼事能像閱讀一樣做起來簡單卻成效顯著呢?  讀書給孩子聽就像和孩子說話,同樣基於以下的理由:樹立孩子的信心,帶來歡笑,拉近彼此的距離;告訴孩子信息或嚮孩子解釋問題,引發孩子的好奇心,激勵孩子。在朗讀中,我們還可以:  ·在孩子的腦海中,將閱讀與愉悅聯係在一起。  ·創造背景知識。  ·建立詞匯基礎。  ·樹立一個閱讀的典範。  讓我們看看終身閱讀者是如何培養齣來的。許多教育界人士忽略瞭兩項有關閱讀的基本“人生事實”。少瞭這兩個定律的相互作用,教育改革的成效將微乎其微。  閱讀定律一:人類是喜歡享樂的。  閱讀定律二:閱讀是積纍漸進的技能。  現在我們來研究定律一:人類是喜歡享樂的。對於能給自己帶來快樂的事,人們會自願地反復去做。我們去自己喜歡的餐廳,點自己喜歡的食物,聽自己喜歡的音樂電颱,探望自己喜歡的親戚。反之,對於自己討厭的食物、音樂及親戚,我們則避之唯恐不及。這不僅是一條定律,更是一個心理上的事實。當我們的感官將電子與化學信息發送到大腦中的“有趣區”或“無趣區”時,人就會作齣正麵或負麵的反應。  美國自然曆史博物館一位傑齣的動物心理學傢,將所有行為分成兩種簡單的反應:接近與迴避。我們接近帶來快樂的事,迴避帶來痛苦或不愉快的事。  愉快就像膠水一樣,能粘住我們的注意力,但隻朝喜歡的方嚮吸引。當欣賞一部電影時,我們就會沉浸其中;不再喜歡時,這種投入的情緒即告中斷。這種情況幾乎適用於所有我們願意去做的事。每當我們給孩子朗讀時,就會發送一個“愉悅”信息到孩子的腦中,甚至將之稱為“廣告”亦不為過,因為朗讀讓孩子把書本、印刷品與愉悅畫上等號。然而,很多時候,“不愉快”卻和“閱讀”




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