《双城记》是世界伟大的批判现实主义杰作之一,也是英国文豪狄更斯作品中故事情节曲折惊险、惊心动魄的小说之一。小说以18世纪的法国大革命为背景,故事中将巴黎、伦敦两个大城市连结起来,叙述梅尼特医生一家充满了爱与冒险的遭遇,中间穿插了贵族的残暴、人民的愤怒、审判间谍…… 《双城记(世界文学名著英语原著版)》为英语原著版。
"And I have no doubt," said Mr. Lorry, "that I was right in theconversation we had. My opinion is confirmed, and I reiterate my advice."
"I assure you," returned Mr. Stryver, in the friendliest way, "that I amsorry for it on your account, and sorry for it on the poor fathers account. Iknow this must always be a sore subject with the family; let us say no moreabout it."
"I dont understand you," said Mr Lorry.
"I dare say not," rejoined Stryver, nodding his head in a smoothing andfinal way; no matter, no matter."
"But it does matter," Mr. Lorry urged.
"No it doesnt; I assure you it doesnt. Having supposed that there wassense where there is no sense, and a laudable ambition where there is not alaudable ambition, I am well out of my mistake, and no harm is done. Youngwomen have committed similar follies often before, and have repentedthem in poverty and obscurity often before. In an unselfish aspect, I amsorry that the thing is dropped, because it would have been a bad thing forme in a worldly point of view; in a selfish aspect, I am glad that the thinghas dropped, because it would have been a bad thing for me in a worldlypoint of view——it is hardly necessary to say I could have gained nothingby it. There is no harm at all done. I have not proposed to the young lady,and, between ourselves, I am by no means certain, on reflection, that I evershould have committed myself to that extent. Mr. Lorry, you cannot controlthe mincing vanities and giddinesses of emptyheaded girls; you must notexpect to do it, or you will always be disappointed.
Now, pray say no more about it. I tell you, I regret it on account ofothers, but I am satisfied on my own account. And I am really very muchobliged to you for allowing me to sound you, and for giving me youradvice; you know the young lady better than I do; you were right, it neverwould have done.
Mr. Lorry was so taken aback, that he looked quite stupidly at Mr.Stryver shouldering him towards the door, with an appearance of show
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