
第四次中國總膳食研究 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書 2025

吳永寜,李筱薇 編



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概 要001
第一章 中國總膳食研究發展曆程007
第二章 中國總膳食研究方法學787mm×1092mm010
第一節 膳食調查方法和樣品製備步驟010
第二節 樣品分析測定方法及質量控製017
第三節 膳食暴露評估方法056
第三章 食物消費量數據058
第四章 元素的膳食評估064
第一部分 營養元素064
第一節 鈉和鉀064
第二節 鈣067
第三節 鎂069
第四節 錳071
第五節 碘073
第六節 鐵077
第七節 鋅081
第八節 鉻083
第九節 銅086
第十節 硒088
第二部分 汙染元素090
第十一節 鉛090
第十二節 鎘097
第十三節 汞102
第十四節 砷105
第十五節 鋁108
第五章 農藥殘留111
第一節 有機氯農藥112
第二節 擬除蟲菊酯類農藥121
第三節 有機磷類農藥124
第四節 氨基甲酸酯類農藥129
第五節 三嗪類農藥133
第六章 獸藥殘留137
第一節 β2-受體激動劑和β-受體阻斷劑138
第二節 四環素類抗生素140
第三節 喹諾酮類藥物142
第四節 磺胺類藥物145
第五節 抗球蟲類藥物147
第六節 硝基呋喃148
第七節 氯黴素149
第七章 生産加工過程中的汙染物152
第一節 氯丙醇152
第二節 丙烯酰胺155
第八章 持久性有機汙染物159
第九章 真菌毒素167
第十章 三聚氰胺及其類似物187
附 錄 191
第三章 附錶191
第四章 附錶221
第五章 附錶293
第六章 附錶364
第七章 附錶377
第八章 附錶382
第九章 附錶388
第十章 附錶440
索 引451
Chapter 1 Overview of Total Diet Studies in China007
Chapter 2 Methodology of China Total Diet Study010
Section 1 Method of Dietary Research and Steps of Sample Preparation010
Section 2 Methods of Sample Analysis and Quality Control017
Section 3 Dietary Exposure Assessment Method056
Chapter 3 Food Consumption Data058
Chapter 4 Dietary Exposure Assessment of Elements064
Part 1 Nutrient Elements064
Section 1 Sodium and Potassium064
Section 2 Calcium067
Section 3 Magnesium069
Section 4 Manganese071
Section 5 Iodine073
Section 6 Iron077
Section 7 Zinc081
Section 8 Chromium083
Section 9 Copper086
Section 10 Selenium088
Part 2 Contaminating Elements090
Section 11 Lead090
Section 12 Cadmium097
Section 13 Mercury102
Section 14 Arsenic105
Section 15 Aluminum108
Chapter 5 Pesticide Residues111
Section 1 Organochlorine pesticides112
Section 2 Pyrethroid Pesticides121
Section 3 Organophosphorus Pesticides124
Section 4 Carbamate Pesticides129
Section 5 Triazine Pesticides133
Chapter 6 Veterinary Drug Residues137
Section 1 β2-receptor agonists and β- receptor blockers138
Section 2 Tetracyclines140
Section 3 Quinolones142
Section 4 Sulfonamides145
Section 5 Coccidiostats Drugs147
Section 6 Nitrofurans148
Section 7 Chloramphenicols149
Chapter 7 Contaminants from Food Processing152
Section 1 Chloropropanols152
Section 2 Acrylamide155
Chapter 8 Persistent Organic Pollutants159
Chapter 9 Mycotoxins167
Chapter 10 Melamine and its analogues187
Additional Tables of Chapter 3191
Additional Tables of Chapter 4221
Additional Tables of Chapter 5293
Additional Tables of Chapter 6364
Additional Tables of Chapter 7377
Additional Tables of Chapter 8382
Additional Tables of Chapter 9388
Additional Tables of Chapter 10440


  前言 總膳食研究是世界衛生組織極力推薦的風險評估框架中的暴露評估技術,由於其經濟、高效,在發達國傢(美國、加拿大、英國、澳大利亞、新西蘭、法國等)成功開展,並將有關結果整體結集發布。2009年《中華人民共和國食品安全法》的齣颱使得國傢食品安全風險評估工作納入瞭我國食品安全的基本工作之中。中國總膳食研究作為風險評估技術中最重要的一環,成為其中的暴露評估重要工作內容。中國以陳君石院士為首從1990年開始實施總膳食研究計劃,結果在“J AOAC Intl”雜誌發錶獲得國際承認。經過20多年的經驗摸索和積纍,已經形成瞭一套具有中國膳食文化特色的,並且切實可行的中國總膳食研究方法,並成為發展中國傢成功獨立開展總膳食研究的楷模。中國總膳食研究已成功開展瞭四次(1990、1992、2000、2007),第五次(2009~2013)已完成數據匯總工作。但是迄今為止,我國的總膳食研究的成果從未像國外總膳食研究一樣整體結集齣版,使得中國研究成果的係統性錶述以及成果的推廣受到瞭很大的製約,因此像國際上其他國傢那樣采用專著方式對中國的研究成果進行係統而專業的介紹十分必要。 本書對第四次中國總膳食研究(2007)進行瞭全麵的總結,首次介紹瞭我國食物消費量數據、食物加工因子、多種汙染物的含量以及攝入量數據。在有關暴露量估計方麵從微量元素、重金屬元素及其形態、農藥殘留、獸藥殘留、持久性有機汙染物以及其他新型汙染物等當前食品安全關注熱點的各個方麵全方位闡述我國居民重點食物的汙染狀況,結閤食物消費量數據全麵評價我國居民的多種化學汙染物的膳食暴露情況,為係統而準確地評估我國居民的膳食風險提供瞭科學的依據。其首次全麵公布的食物汙染數據以及暴露評估結果必將為我國進一步全麵開展膳食暴露風險評估工作提供最實際而有效的藉鑒。 本書是我國第一部專門介紹中國總膳食研究方法以及全麵公布我國總膳食研究所得到的食物消費量數據,十二大類食品中重金屬元素、元素形態、農藥殘留、持久性有機汙染物以及新型汙染物含量的專著,結閤各個汙染物的危害識彆、危害特徵描述,從膳食暴露評估等方麵係統性地對所涉及的汙染物得齣其風險錶徵。首次全景展示風險評估技術在食品安全領域的使用價值。其結構體係特點鮮明,結閤食品安全風險評估原理的主要步驟與關鍵技術展開,理論聯係實際,以實際膳食樣品中所得到的暴露評估數據逐級進行詳細解說和論述,希望能夠對於係統開展中國的暴露評估提供理論指導以及實用價值。 藉助於有中國特色以及與國際暴露評估接軌的總膳食研究,我國居民的食物消費量數據以及重金屬元素、元素形態和丙烯酰胺的暴露評估數據已經成為全球的食品安全限量衛生標準製定和暴露評估的重要依據。望藉助此書的齣版,進一步在全國範圍內提倡和規範以總膳食研究為方法學的暴露評估技術,並能持續發展中國總膳食研究及按這一方式齣版專著,使得中國的暴露評估數據得以定期公開發布,為中國食品安全事業略盡綿薄之力!
  Preface Total Diet Study is a dietary exposure assessment technique strongly recommended in the WHO Human Health Risk Assessment Toolkit. Thanks to its economy and efficiency,this technique has been adopted in developed countries including the United States,Canada,U. K.,Australia,New Zealand and France,and findings in connection with this technique have been collected and published. In 2009,China enacted its Food Safety Law,which made food safety risk assessment a basic component of the country’s food safety work. Performing a Total Diet Study for China,which functions as the most important dietary exposure assessment technique,is a critical part of exposure assessment. China’s first Total Diet Study started in 1990,led by Chen Junshi,Academician,Chinese Academy of Engineering,and its results were published in the Journal of AOAC International and won international recognition. Through 20 years of empirical exploration and accumulation,China has developed a feasible total diet research methodology with the characteristics of Chinese culinary culture and become a role model for developing countries in independently undertaking total diet research. China has conducted four total diet studies(1990,1992,2000,and 2007),with the data summary work of the fifth China Total Diet Study (2009~2013) has been completed. Up to date,however,the outcomes of China Total Diet Studies have never been comprehensively collected and published as in foreign countries,which has seriously hindered the systematic presentation and promotion of the outcomes. Therefore,it is very necessary to follow the examples of other countries by offering a systematic and professional introduction to China Total Diet Study outcomes in the form of a monograph. This book presents a comprehensive summary of the fourth China Total Diet Study(2007),introducing for the first time China’s food consumption data,food processing factors,organic pollutant levels,and intake data. It offers a full review and assessment of the pollution of China’s main foods in terms of trace elements,heavy metals and their speciation,pesticide residues,veterinary drug residues,persistent organic pollutants and other emerging pollutants,and presents comprehensive evaluation of dietary exposure of Chinese residents to various chemical pollutants on the basis of food consumption data. This book aims at providing scientific proof for systematic and accurate assessment of Chinese residents’ dietary risks. The comprehensive food pollution data and dietary exposure data will be published,which makes available for the first time to shed practical and invaluable light on further assessment of dietary exposure risks in China. This book is the first monograph in China to systematically introduce China Total Diet Research methodology,publish food consumption data obtained by Total Diet Studies in China and the contents of heavy metals,element speciation,pesticide residues,persistent organic pollutants and emerging pollutants in 12 categories of foods. Based on the descriptions of the pollutants in terms of hazard identification and hazard characterization,this book provides systematical risk characterization of the pollutants from such aspects as dietary exposure assessment. It gives a panoramic view on the value of risk assessment techniques in food safety control. Featuring a unique structure,this book unfolds around the main steps and key techniques of food safety risk assessment and combines theory and practice,providing detailed explanations to and commentaries on the exposure data obtained from food samples. It is hoped that this book will prove valuable in both theoretical guidance and practice for performing systematical dietary exposure assessment in China. China’s food consumption data and exposure assessment data about heavy metals,element speciation,and acrylamide,collected from Total Diet Studies with Chinese characteristics and in line with international dietary exposure assessment practices,have become an important basis for international food safety limit standard formulation and exposure assessment. It is hoped that the publication of this book will promote and standardize th 第四次中國總膳食研究 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式

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